diane schiller - When aniyhtng has to be achieved bring in a puppy or a child and you win hearts for the cause. Pet's Trust must be approved if we have any sense of what is right and humane as a people.Keep up the fightDiane Sedona Schiller Verdict: 6/10
Yeah, I had the sam
Name: Mustafa
Yeah, I had the same feeling when I saw some promo <a href="http://baegsyluin.com">theard</a> he'd done it when he compared the stories to Raymond Carver. If you make that kind of comparison you'd better be good, else you're going to come out of it looking like a fool. Now, I love Carver, but (like Bukowski) he's had his fair share of shallow imitators, who have only learnt the superficial lessons of a minimalist, sparse style from him, without any of the deeper understanding of how Carver makes it *work*.But Oblivious came out of the comparison really well. Which is a real achievement. Verdict: 6/10